Data Science, Northwestern University MSPA

Northwestern University MSPA Program – learning R and python resources page creation

For new students coming into Northwestern University’s Master of Science in Predictive Analytics (MSPA) program, there is often considerable apprehension about learning the programming languages (mainly R and Python, and some SAS).   I have created a page on my blog site – Northwestern University MSPA Program – Learning R and Python resources – that lists some of the resources that are available, and my favorites.

I would encourage students to start taking the programming courses ahead of the particular classes, and whatever language you are required to use in that class.  There is enough time between the official courses to take some of these courses.  That way you don’t have to learn the course content and the programming language at the same time (if you don’t it is still doable, just will take more effort).

One thought on “Northwestern University MSPA Program – learning R and python resources page creation

  1. Totally agree – it not only will help you get a leg up on school but also in real life with work. Find something you do manual and work and try it with Python!


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